Tuesday, November 15, 2011

One Year Out and Loving It

So today it has officially been one year since my weight loss surgery. The last year has been a challenge and I have been through a lot of changes, some related to my surgery and some not, but I am still here and stronger than ever. I haven't been losing much lately. I think I am eating more in a maintenance way then losing and I would like to get back to losing. I am not at goal yet but have been rethinking my goal as I am happy with my size right now and just want to focus on toning. I am still considered overweight by BMI standards but if I lose the 16 pounds needed to get to overweight I think it may be too much.

So here are my stats after a year:

                        Start                Today              Difference

Weight             264                  156.8               107.2
BMI                46.1                 27.54               18.6
Waist               47.5                 35                    12.5
Neck                15.5                 13.3                 2
Bicep               17                    12                    5 Each
Forearm           12                    9.5                   2.5 Each
Chest               48                    39.5                 8.5
Hip                  55                    38.5                 16.5
Thigh               30                    21                    9 Each
Calf                 20                    15.5                 4.5 Each

So total I lost 81.5 inches off my body which is over 6 ½ feet. My BMI went from Extremely Morbidly Obese to Overweight.